
By plane
By plane

The small airport is 15km south of the city.

Daily flights from Kabul are available from Kam Air and Ariana for 3500 Afg / $75, and Pamir Airways, for 4000 Afg/$85. Both UNAMA and UNHAS operate flights between Kabul and Herat, occasionally via Bamiyan, available to staff of partner NGOs.

By car
By car

The road from Kandahar has been rebuilt but is EXTREMELY dangerous through Helmand and Farah.

The road from Iran is reported to be good.

The road from Turkmenistan is tarred and in good condition save for a few bomb craters. There are occasional security incidents as trouble spills over from unstable Badghis province. Get up-to-date advice before attempting this route.

The road from Mazar-e Sharif via Maimana is being upgraded but a section through Badghis province has yet to be completed, largely due to the kidnapping of the construction team in April 2009. This route is not recommended.

The central route to Kabul via Chagcheran and the Minaret of Jam is a very rough 3-6 day journey, sleeping in chaikanas along the way. Several travelers have recently done this route and reported no safety issues. However, from Bamiyan it is currently advisable to take the longer northern route to Kabul, as the southern route is of questionable safety.